My photo from the former Feast Restaurant in San Antonio…
We’ve just experienced the holiday masks of Halloween. They go on and off in response to celebratory tradition. And we’re ALL supposed to be wearing masks in response to Covid-19. They go on and off in response to thoughtful, indeed necessary risk aversion, or partisan political whim. However, our Great American Unmasking has transpired over the past 5 years. And it’s still in process, as we’ve learned or better understood the good, bad and ugly about our systems of government, our institutions, our elected representatives and our shadow accomplice… our friend in the mirror.
Our serious unmasking transpires as we experience the political campaigns, exaggerated pundit rhetoric, and social media rants that cover up too many divisive and destructive belief systems. Too many “alternative facts,” expansive interpretations of “truth,” disbelief in science and dismissal of issue experts. We thus have a Cabinet with neither expertise nor administrative support, incapable of researching, proposing and prompting progressive policy reform. Our unmasking reveals both the Emperor and his minions with insufficient wardrobes. We’ve been enablers by fault or default— that’s a painful fact. But, there’s hope!
I’m an Independent. I’ve got many friends of all political persuasions. Sure, there are extremists on both sides, but the majority are sick of the incivility, the unproductive divisiveness and the real issues left untended. We ALL have MOST things in common. Education, Healthcare, Social Justice, Racial Equity, Responsive Governance, Immigration, Economic Opportunity, New Economy Jobs Training, Infrastructure, Community Responsive Policing, Responsible Gun Regulation, Environmental Integrity, Climate Science, Support for the Arts, Collaborative Partnerships with Non-profits and Faith-based groups, and plenty of donuts, whiskey for my men and beer for my horses.
By removing our masks, dropping our impulsive ideological shackles, and expanding our networks, we make new friends, build trust and remove barriers to community building. We convert negative energy to constructive solutions. Everybody wins.
I have great faith in We The People. Too many of us hid behind our masks for a plethora of reasons. But we’ve been humbled, reminded of our fallibility, humanity and vulnerability to disease and political manipulation. And reminded of our own naiveté, gullibility and tendency to be distracted by gadgets, at the cost of attention to the real world around us. Many of these behaviors have kept us behind masks, precluding our reconciliation with our better selves. Removing our masks can be uncomfortable, but ultimately a refreshing relief. We then become more productive in all our relationships and responsibilities.
As many of you know, I’ve been wrong in predicting Trump’s political demise in each of the past four years, often multiple times a year in response to his latest breach of everything. His Republican enablers (Cornyn, McConnell, were too cowardly to stand up to him, and the Dems were typically ineffective in figuring out how to counter him. However, we were fortunate to have the best anti-Trump campaigner imaginable…Donald J. Trump! And I think he’s been dramatically successful in defeating himself. That, and the Democratic down-ballot hurricane…Black women, women in general, most minorities, young people, alienated Republicans, military, seniors disgusted with his lack of covid response, et. many al. The phenomenal early voting turnout IS NOT for Trump…IMHO.
Not Our Saviors…But Our Enablers To DO THE RIGHT THING…
Let’s leave nothing to chance. Most of you have already voted. If not, I know you will. That said, VOTE, and send out a last reminder note to your networks to remind them to make the effort and VOTE. Remind them that even if they’re not enthusiastic about Biden, they must help us remove Trump, the most destructive President in our history, and the greatest danger to our democracy. You may think that goes without saying. But, with so much on the line, and at the risk of repetition, don’t let that go without saying.
This is the most important election of our lifetime. Thanks for working to reclaim this Great Country while we can. If you need further motivation, consider your stewardship for your children and grandchildren. May the Gods of Our Understanding bless our efforts.