The Work of EFFECTIVE Resistance Begins Now…
Many of you have heard/seen me encouraging folks pursuing any involved challenge to frequently ask their friend in the mirror, “Are we EFFECTIVE, or are we just busy?” There can be a huge difference in progress and ultimate results. The recent election leaves We The People with the huge challenge of self governance…affirmed by the first few weeks of this New Year…as dysfunction and incompetence characterize the new Administration. The ridiculous, inhumane agendas in Washington and many State capitols (especially Texas) tee up citizens of conscience and compassion to reclaim our Country and communities.
Let us be among those who choose to make a difference by calming, caring, educating, encouraging, humoring, inspiring, leading and loving our children’s homeland to better.
Let’s Build On A Foundation of Truth and Trust…
This 100 year-old Boy Scout Manual was my father’s in Ft. Worth, Tx…
The first tenet of the Boy Scout pledge is “A Scout is trustworthy.” That certainly encompasses both truth and trust. A great place to start. The past decade of divisive political campaigns and the influence of social media have dramatically elevated our challenge to discern the veracity of information sources. The introduction of AI only elevates the difficulty. It’s probably not coincidental that we’ve lost faith and trust in many of our bedrock institutions…such as government, healthcare, corporations, faith-based organizations, schools and systems of justice.
From the lobby of the former Alamo National Bank in San Antonio, Tx….
We’ll build trust in our institutions when we gain trust in each other. We’ll do that when we seek to be better informed, and can establish better communications with each other and our organizations of choice and/or necessity. Wow! That sounds frighteningly like “WOKE.” Not so bad, is it? Bless our hearts…
Some Challenges From Those Who’ve Gone Before…
Art by Barbara Kruger from the UCSD Student Center…
From the LBJ School of Public Affairs…UT-Austin…
From the Arlington National Cemetery…
From Austin’s Neill-Cochran House Museum…
IN CLOSING…We Need Help, And We Need To Help Each Other…
—Review your information sources —Evaluate and elevate your charitable giving
—Evaluate your non-profit affiliations. Do they truly make a difference? Do You?
—Seek to better connect with your elected reps/communicate your concerns
—Can you help your neighborhood schools?
—Does your church, synagogue, mosque, etc. have an effective outreach program?
—Does your workplace have a community outreach program?
—Are you a member of a small group/support group?
—What are you doing for children, seniors and shut-ins?
—What are you doing for your neighborhood?
—Do you regularly socialize with family and friends?
—Do you have art, music and friends in your life?
—Be sure to regularly dedicate some time for fun, humor and silliness…
—Tip Generously