Dan Bullock, The Mosey Project Founder


Dan is a seasoned community leader who writes, speaks, and consults on leadership, civic engagement and community building.

From West Texas cowboy to Colorado folk/blues singer to Austin corporate executive, Dan’s experience traces an unlikely path to a logical conclusion: The Mosey Project. Dan’s been called a "catalyst", and he doesn’t shy away from that label. He believes in connecting people, in community building, and in the constructive resolution of community challenges.

From past service as Director of The Governor’s Office of Community Leadership, and founding board and executive committee roles in the arts, education, environment, healthcare, economic development and community leadership, Dan is a natural to encourage civic engagement.

Named Leadership Austin’s first "Outstanding Alumnus," Dan was also given one of the Greater Austin Chamber’s first “Quality of Life” awards. His community leadership efforts have been featured in Southwest Airlines magazine, Texas Monthly, and media throughout the state. He has presented throughout the Southwest on community leadership issues, and has been nationally recognized for his school partnership and community leadership efforts. 

About The Mosey Project

Dan experienced the "mosey" before he understood it. Growing up in West Texas, he was on horseback from an early age. And  got to watch the cowboys pacing themselves in order to do many tasks well during their working hours. They quickly learned how to slow down, pay attention and gather the information they needed to do their tasks right the first time. And, in a great example of evolutionary adaptation, the "mosey" was created.

The Mosey Project simply contends that by slowing down and paying better attention to our opportunities and responsibilities as partners, parents, neighbors, co-workers, board members, elected officials, non-profit volunteers and voters there is no doubt we can right or moderate many of the ills that have weakened this Country. Dan wants to apply his experience to work with other leaders and organizations in collaborative efforts to promote significant conversations and constructive civic involvement. Thus, The Mosey Project

Dan states, "I have no delusion of having all the answers, but I've tapped the wisdom of many whom I respect and I intend to be a catalyst for those of you who have good ideas, leadership inclination and the desire, compassion, heart and conscience to seek solutions. To be role models for constructive involvement."