Leaping Out Of 2020 With Hope, But Not Without Baggage
“The Leap” by artist Edward Povey…with some holiday embellishment…
2020 has been such a nightmare—we’d love a clean slate for the New Year. But it’s not going to happen. There’s much reason for optimism, but we still need to have our seatbelts fastened for at least the first quarter of 2021. Our patience is wearing thin, but our friend in the mirror—as entitled as he/she might be—must still ride the learning curve as we extricate ourselves from this dysfunctional mess. I contend that We The People have experienced Revelation, are in the midst of Revolution, and stand poised for Resolution. Let’s explore!
Our Revelation has occurred incrementally over the past 5+ years, as we increasingly realized our government’s disconnect with us and our disconnect from each other. This pressure cooker has built up steam over several decades, through numerous bipartisan political administrations. Our institutions have failed us, and We The People, too distracted by our gadgets and our quest for social media “likes,” were oblivious to our government’s inattention to the issues of the day. Our elected reps spent their time fundraising and being reelected, because we weren’t holding them accountable for education, job training, immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, social justice, global warming, foreign trade, etc. The pressure cooker exploded, resulting in Trump’s election. Our experience with governmental incompetence, heightened through this Covid-19 tragedy, has been the painful and deadly revelation of choices and their consequences. That has led to the Revolution.
I join Annette and Margo Sawyer(R) for The Women’s March, Austin version…Jan. 2017…A powerful experience.
My sense of the Revolution traces back to the Women’s March of January 2017. One of the most powerful expressions of awareness, courage, organization and commitment in recent history. It was sound and fury, signifying action, conscience and inspired people power. The organizers were determined that this phenomenal energy would not stop with the March, and successfully encouraged established and emerging organizations to use the momentum for constructive activism. The impressive Me2 movement soon followed, and the Black Lives Matter protests became powerful examples of activists in all their diversity joining to address an extended history of institutional racism. The Lincoln Project and Stacey Abrams’ voter protection/registration programs are just some of the numerous organizations not leaving responsive government to chance. The disturbing influence of extremist organizations (white nationalists, Antifa, etc.) should moderate as WE settle the Country. While we still have a divided Country in many ways, a clear majority replaced Trump with Biden for all the right reasons. This dramatic and thoughtful change in leadership is the perfect incentive and timing for Resolution.
Let’s resolve to do better! We’re sick of being sick. We’re sick of unresponsive government. We’re sick of all the divisiveness, hate and fear-mongering that have typified our public conversations. We’re sick of what this Country has become, but We The People can summon the courage and commitment to clear a healthier path. We’ve embarrassed ourselves and disappointed our international allies, but recent elections have proven that we still have the capacity for better. So, what do we do?
We resolve to raise our civic engagement game. To become more effective, not just busier. We start at home, expand our efforts as we’re able. We increase our charitable budgets. We choose one or two community issues, and determine to make a difference. Education, Healthcare, Environment, Parks, Arts, Race Relations and Social Justice, Government, Libraries, Youth Sports, LGBTQ issues, Programs for Children & The Elderly, Non-Profit and Faith-based programs of every sort. You get my drift. Resolve to make some new friends who don’t look like you. Practice Empathy!
We’ve experienced the power of Revelation, the disruption of Revolution, and now it’s time for our Resolution to seek constructive solutions.
Our Country needs us. Our communities need us. We need each other. Let’s resolve to honor our Better Angels and be better stewards of our democracy. For ourselves, our children, our future. May the Gods of Our Understanding bless our efforts.
I love this photo of different sorts of God’s creatures coexisting amicably. Let’s emulate them as we build/rebuild our communities. Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season!