What a “horrible, no good, very bad year!” For most of us. Too many teachable moments, too steep a learning curve, too few leaders/teachers to inform our struggles. Too few leaders to bring clarity to chaos, Covid-19 and politics. And none of us could escape. Most of us were forced to suspend belief systems, and revisit our models of operation for every aspect of our lives. In our homes, neighborhoods, businesses, governments, places of worship, non-profits, media… and in our mirrors. We called on every possible source for enlightenment, inspiration, solace and practical knowledge reminders. I found my photo library among the helpful prompts for productive introspection. For example: We can learn a lot from former Gov. Ann Richards and NBC Newsman/Pundit Tom Brokaw…I did…
Let’s gather around…
Photo by Charlie Guerrero….The three of us at a Headliners Award gathering in Austin…museum setting “enhancement” by a Facebook Friend…
We’ve trusted Tom Brokaw to bring us the truth as best he could. Based on diligent research, hopefully reliable sources, honesty and integrity. We of a certain generation relied on such as Cronkite, Brokaw, Rather, Andrea Mitchell, Diane Sawyer, Moyers, et.al to keep us informed, until the nature of facts, news and truth became more complicated. Sen. Moynihan had observed, “You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.” Kellyanne Conway famously commented on “alternative facts.” And the social media explosion opened the e-gates to online platforms of all sorts, with varying degrees of facts, disinformation and spin. We’re now flooded with every type of media format, including podcasts, TEDTalks, online versions of most newsletters and newspapers, and radio talkshow hosts creating a cacophony of truth, lies and some, as Colbert coined, “truthiness.”
We The People need to be well informed. With this overwhelming number of information/media options, we must be more discerning if we’re to glean the facts and truth that will best serve our roles as parents, entrepreneurs, managers, voters and engaged citizens. This means a sufficient diversity of opinions to inform our own personal philosophies, points of view and effectiveness as role models for others. And, as servant leaders if we so choose.
Here’s my most important New Year’s admonition to myself. You’re welcome/invited to listen in. These observations are prompted by my attendance at a ZACH Theatre presentation of the great actress/writer/producer Anna Deavere Smith, who was sharing reflections from interviews with former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Ann’s larger than life was slowly winding down, and doctors admonished her to pay better attention to her health if she was to prolong it.
The alcohol and tobacco had taken their toll, she’d gotten the cancer diagnosis, but in typical Ann style, was determined to prolong her last chapter. She was going to pursue a multi-faceted healthy living regimen, and enlisted counselors of various persuasions to guide her efforts. Among her new pursuits were meditation and yoga, totally counter to her full-tilt boogie life/work style that had brought her to that point. From these kinder and gentler teachers she was introduced to the concept of “chi.”
There are different definitions and interpretations of the Chinese understanding of “chi,” also known/seen as “Qi.” Among these are…”chi” represents the radiance and vitality in life, health and order in your body…your energy or power source…the essence of who you are. Ann loved these concepts and age-old truths. And while she knew she was late to the game, she loved their meaning and incorporated the practice and language in her life and daily regimen. She equated her activity level to her level of “chi,” and acted accordingly, with her friends and assistants expected to honor same. She’d say, “You’re wasting my chi”… or “I’m running out of chi” when she was running out of energy and patience. Lessons perhaps learned too late for her, but that recounting from Deavere Smith is loud and clear to me as I consider my New Year.
What a horrible year of 2020! We had everything thrown at us. Dave Barry says the only good news was that apparently no one was killed by murder hornets. Apparently. Otherwise, we had totally dysfunctional government, loss of too many lives to Covid-19, cultural and racial strife, tremendous economic setbacks and too few leaders to chart better paths. And it’s been relentless. Yes, there are significant reasons for hope, but the light at the end of the tunnel is still just a flicker. We’ve still many months ahead of us to right the wrongs, strengthen our institutions, support better government and patch the torn quilt of a diverse society.
All of this continues to take its toll on our “chi.” Individually and in community. We all are frayed from the stress, disappointment, fear, disruption and uncertainty that have plagued us for too long. Many of us who’ve lived with entitlement have become much more sympathetic for those who have not. All of this calls us to seek our Better Angels to help us set the course for the New Year. Challenging us to not waste our “chi” on the mindless social media divisiveness. To be community builders. To be positively engaged citizens, celebrating all we have in common, rather than all that is contrived or exaggerated to divide us. Building trust through strengthened community relationships with those of all backgrounds.
I’ve been raised and influenced to know better, but I’ve risen to the bait of too many political battles that drain mind, body and spirit. And at my age, I’ve suffered accordingly…I’ve been wasting my “chi.” This Covid-forced time for introspection has been revealing, and many revelations are sobering reminders of choices and consequences. I need/want to have a healthier life balance. Ann Richards didn’t have much time to enjoy her healthier life discoveries. I hope I do, but hope won’t make it happen. I can’t take health, life, family, friends or me for granted. I must implement better living, thinking and acting practices to realize more positive aspirations. It’s not too late to better nurture and allocate my “chi” energy.
My New Year’s intent is to spend more time on constructive community building, while shifting more time and “chi” to enriching family and personal goals. Music, writing, charitable outreach, and joining my wonderful partner in lifting up those who need a boost. I hope to expand friendships, become closer to my extended family, and be more mindful of my strengths and weaknesses as I seek to better steward my “chi.”
I’m appreciative of each of you who’ve followed me in my Mosey meanderings. Here’s wishing you a HEALTHY & HAPPY NEW YEAR! And, may you nurture and invest your “chi” to best serve your life and those you love and serve.