This Country is poised for better. The great majority of us are sick of the racism, bigotry, fear-mongering, tribalism and incivility that typify too much of our national discourse. We’re challenged with appreciating our diversity, accepting that we are a nation of immigrants, and working together to break down cultural and political barriers. Then, building the bridges that will connect us to our extended community family. These reflections may be helpful as you consider your role in that constructive civic engagement..
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Scandals and significant controversies in churches and government give us a plethora of teachable moments, as we struggle to strengthen and humanize our institutions. Hypocrisy reigns and truth suffers unless We The People rise to our occasion to expect and work for better. Organizational dysfunction limits achievement until there is more thoughtful stewardship. Join me in my latest Mosey Commentary as we address this theme. I always appreciate your time and observations.
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We’ve Marched, Protested, Resisted and Voted. We’re now challenged with considering the most effective ways to capitalize on this momentum and move ahead. I think it’s time for a Civic Intervention. Time to choose community heroes and be one ourselves. Come join me as we consider these possibilities. This is an amazing time of transition. An exciting time for constructive civic engagement. Let’s do this. TOGETHER.
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We know the story of the frog that dies of complacency and confusion when lulled into the false security of the simmering pan. But the frog that’s tossed into a boiling pan quickly comes to its senses and executes a prompt escape. What a great metaphor for the moment. Too many of us have been simmering, when we should be making our escape. The New Year gives us a great opportunity to do better for ourselves and our communities. We’re called to reconcile moments of truth with opportunities and responsibilities. Come join me as we consider energizing our civic engagement commitment. Let’s Do This! Together…
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What a turbulent year 2018 has been! In business, politics and most all aspects of society. And it’s so easy to get swept up in the negative conversations in many forms. I’ve found myself chiming in on too many negative threads of political criticism, when I had little to add. The only consistent measurable result has been with blood pressure and stress levels. Most certainly not worth the efforts. Like Michael Jackson, I’m “looking to that Man in the Mirror…to make that change.” I’m going to refrain from most National political commentary, showcase outstanding national pundits where appropriate, and shift my emphasis to local civic engagement, where I can cheerlead outstanding civic program models that can be emulated anywhere. Come join me to better understand my New Year’s rationale. You can still count on fun, irreverence and occasional surprises. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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The times prompt me to frequently post civic engagement and political observations, because my conscience compels me to lift my voice as a constructive catalyst where possible. However, as I enter the holiday season, I’m moved to recognize significant examples of Grace and gratitude that far surpass the daily foibles of the political arena. I almost lost my grandson to Leukemia, but he was saved by the miracle workers at Austin’s Dell Children’s Hospital. That’s my greatest gift in 2018. I’d love you to share this gift in the pictures that highlight a wonderful story. Come join me.
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I happened on this beautiful broom as I was walking past it to photograph other scenes. It stopped me in my tracks, and I was taken with the metaphor. It could be used for good or bad, as in sweeping things (or issues) under the rug. The purpose of the broom depends on the care and intent of the guiding hands. As it is with our extended experiment in self-government. Join me in this Mosey Commentary to see why I’m encouraged.
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