My photo of dear departed Congressman J.J. "Jake" Pickle reminds me of the best in public service. He understood constituent relations, political compromise and the art/science of effective communications. Our recent extended period of poor BIPARTISAN political leadership has been a painful reminder that we've got serious challenges with participatory government. And it's not just the fault of our elected officials. We citizens/voters have been complicit to an extent, by fault or default. And we know we can and must do better. This latest Mosey commentary may be helpful in your personal/public deliberations. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreThe Mosey Roadrunner Lessons...Converting Concerns & Thoughts Into Action...
My West Texas horseback rides gave me the opportunity to appreciate the activity and action of the Roadrunner. I marveled at the quick response and effective use of energy from these streamlined dynamos. I can't help but appreciate the metaphor as I see our community need to convert words and concerns into constructive action. I hope you'll enjoy my latest Mosey message on this theme. If it resonates, please share. Thanks. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreOur Noisy Wakeup Call...Mosey Observations On Politics, Parties & Principles
We have only a mercifully few more weeks of this seemingly endless presidential campaign. But we actually have more than two choices, and we need to make our vote count. So join me as I consider our options. Let's choose wisely and help family and friends do the same. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreMy Dad Was Right...Choices Have Consequences...Let's Choose Wisely!
My Dad taught me that choices have consequences. And we see abundant evidence of that in the political arena and in too many dysfunctional institutions. Come Mosey with me as we look at some good and bad decisions, and hopefully come away motivated to choose wisely. Let's work together to make our choices matter. Our communities are depending on us. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreGun Sense, Nonsense & Common Sense...Observations from a gun owner
An increasing number of military leaders, police chiefs, NRA members, and regular gun owners are joining a majority of U.S. citizens to proclaim, "Enough's enough. We must have responsible gun regulation." Read on and think for yourself. And Act! LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreOur Brexit Lesson... A Test Of Character
My encounter with this bull elk near Rocky Mountain National Park was a profound experience. He represents calm strength. A mature appreciation of his own abilities. A measured response to all situations. Panic is his last resort. The Brexit events are our loud wakeup call to do some serious reflection and avoid the angry, emotional, uninformed actions that the Brits have brought upon themselves. We can and must do better. We've been warned. Let's rise to the occasion. Let's Mosey!
Read moreUnmasking Our Better Angels...Symbolic or Substantive Choices?
Our communities and our country need our constructive civic engagement. The Orlando shootings and political campaign issues are reminders of our challenge. There's a big difference in symbolic and substantive engagement. Is our community service effective? Let's unmask our Better Angels and rise to the occasion. Read on and join me. Let's Mosey!
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