Sure, we’re busy…trying to catch up with business and life following our major Covid disruptions. We’ve honed our to-do lists and bucket lists, and are eager to re-engage with the world. But some inconvenient pesky facts are so compelling that we must address them in the best interests of community, family and self. Political zealots, ideologues and opportunists have put our Democracy in jeopardy, and We The People can’t just wait on the elusive “They” to save us. No, WE are the “They” who must step up to the calling of our Better Angels, to be more effective role models for engaged citizenry. Working with other individuals and organizations to wrest our Country (and State) from these neo-conservatives. Seeking to work with a diversity of folks to achieve policies and programs that serve a majority of citizens, not just the loudest partisan disruptors.
We have too much hate, divisiveness, calculated disinformation and political exploitation to give civil discourse a chance. We can and must do better. However, the correction, or at least moderation of these extremes, is not rocket science. It’s a matter of community leverage, leadership and organization. That’s where we step up to our new roles/rules of engagement, pledging to be effective, not just busy. Let’s see how that might work. Let’s be Stars!
From artist Glenn Ligon…
When asked why he robbed banks, gangster Willie Sutton replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” In that same vein, if we’re going to reach the most folks, we’ve got to go where the people are. Even this West Texas bumpkin can understand that. So, let’s consider where we can most easily access the greatest numbers. I’d start with faith-based groups, schools, major employers, government agencies, non-profits, the media and, keeping up with the times, the social media.
Let’s select these organizations, identify their leadership (Board and staff), determine where we personally have the most influence, and act accordingly. Our goal is to encourage a heightened understanding of our rights, responsibilities and opportunities as individual and corporate citizens. Credible established leaders will be challenged with expanding their roles to encourage constructive community building. They’ll be asked to admonish and inspire their constituents/members/et.al, to join in elevating our community values. Such as civility, creative conflict resolution, inclusion, and social justice for all. FOR EXAMPLE:
Encourage leaders and teachers to CONSISTENTLY incorporate inclusive, specific messages relative to community problem-solving…emphasizing civility, compassion, bridge-building, organization, and social justice for all. Go personally visit your best contacts, express your concerns, and offer to help. A steering committee might help in the review and implementation of options. A permanent Community Affairs committee might assure longer-term success. Umbrella groups like Austin Interfaith might be helpful in brainstorming possibilities. You can be a Star.
Appeal to administrators and teachers to CONSISTENTLY incorporate community-building principles in classes, projects, assemblies, etc. Civility, conflict resolution, LGBTQR issues, ideological role-playing, etc., are starting points. A committee including students will be helpful in considering possibilities. An evaluation of existing civics-related curricula will be helpful in determining effectiveness. If possible, support and volunteer in your neighborhood schools. You can be a Star.
There are opportunities for community building in any setting where people are gathered. The workplace is where most people congregate for longer periods, unless work-from-home is changing the pattern. A community affairs “audit” can determine strengths and weaknesses of current practice, and point toward constructive solutions. Policies can be reviewed/established which might govern constructive/destructive behaviors, descrimination, etc.…including charitable opportunities. A community/civic affairs committee can respond to many opportunities for effective community outreach and enhanced corporate citizenship. Everybody wins! You can be a Star.
Non-profits run the gamut of interests and issues, and enjoy expansive memberships and staff abilities. Those of us who are affiliated can help them examine their priorities and programs, and determine the relevance of their mission and community outreach. We can make sure their activities are in complement with broader civic interests. We can be Stars while we help them polish theirs.
Artist Jim Hodges’ light installation on the roof of The Contemporary Austin…
I frequently say, “Curse you, Ted Turner, for creating scrolling news.” A blessing and a curse, in that it creates a rush to print, an incentive to emphasize headlines over text, and we’re often left with lots of noise, yet insufficient context. We’re quick with soundbites, often lacking in helpful background. Where we can, as subscribers or advertisers, we should encourage our writer/publisher/editor friends to do better with context, less with headlines. To more actively call out obvious disinformation efforts, such as the “stolen election” nonsense. And to better equip us readers with the facts to help us use high-integrity journalism to combat the lies and fear-mongering from irresponsible sources.
As to the social media, we can all do better to call out or ignore the destructive exchanges, while being role models for more constructive interaction. We must not condone hate speech or the considerable nasty exchanges that can thrive if not monitored and policed. I occasionally lapse into my lesser self when Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn, Graham, McConnell, et.al, push me over the edge. But I try to maintain a modicum of couth, humility and good humor. Thank goodness I have family and friends who spot those breaches and cajole me to get over myself. I preach civility…need to practice it. I promise to…mostly.
From the Tarrytown Pharmacy card rack…
As you’ve oft heard me say, “It starts with our Friend In The Mirror.” We need to constantly be aware of our interactions with partners, children and grandchildren…catching ourselves when our prejudices in the heat of the moment require apologies or context clarification. And be humble and thoughtful enough to admit it and act accordingly. Let’s be positive role models, while we’re being Stars.
We The People have put this Country, OUR Country, in jeopardy by allowing a loud minority to promote divisiveness, foment hate speech and fear-mongering, while diminishing effective government. Blatant discrimination has endangered immigrants, LBGTQR citizens, women, and those of color. A MAJORITY of our fellow citizens know better and believe better. They just need to be cajoled, encouraged, invited to join us in this significant democratic reclamation effort. We can no longer be “extras” and armchair critics. Let’s step up to be Stars…TOGETHER!
From an Austin yard sign…