My photo from New Mexico Museum of Art—Santa Fe
An early morning walk through the square in Santa Fe gave me this photo opportunity. I remember thinking, “Wow, what an image…what a metaphor!” It’s obviously a favorite, one I’ve used many times to complement the issues of the day, and our challenges in responding to them. While four years can seem like a lifetime, these last four have been that and more for most of us. We’ve had everything but the locusts thrown at us, and I understand there are even some of those across the globe.
I’m encouraged because help is on the way. We’ve been plagued with Covid-19, racial/societal unrest, economic disruption, tremendous job losses, and a leadership deficit when we need leaders the most. I’m too old and beaten up to be an idealist, but by nature and practice I’m an optimist. I’m skeptical of hype, spin and misleading campaign promises. And I’m so disappointed in the Republican Party. Once a proud and significant influence in our governance, now a hijacked Trump cult incapable and incompetent. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing the majority wish to support.
However, I’m a confirmed believer in “We The People.” I’m convinced that there are still a majority of Americans who are high-minded, believe in the values of our Better Angels and, IF MOTIVATED, can still rise to many occasions…with integrity, civility, character, compassion, commitment and collaborative energy. “We The People” have awakened. And for that reason, “The Sky’s Our Limit.” Read on while I make my case.
Molly Ivins image from Austin Museum of Popular Culture
As with most significant movements, strong women got us started. In fact, the Women’s March, coinciding with Trump’s inauguration, was the first burst of resistance energy to inspire us to broader action. This show of diverse female force gave notice to the world that old white guys would no longer be without competition in any area of leadership. And, the world’s the better for it.
We recently watched the great docu-movie, “Raise Hell—The Life and Times of Molly Ivins.” Journalist, rabble-rouser, ultimate speaker of truth to power, Molly would love what the Women’s March, the ME2 movement, Emily’s List, Annie’s List, The 19th and other women-oriented organizations are doing as catalysts for constructive and progressive change. Many women leaders are emerging to join their veterans in cleaning up this male-dominated mess. Thanks, Ladies! We obviously needed that leadership boost.
Thank goodness for responsible journalism. Despite struggles with the print format, news media and journalists are creating new models to serve their critical roles in enabling an informed society to hold governance accountable. Aggressive fact-checking and a return to local investigative reporting are critical for an informed public— the key to a working democracy.
Colin Kaepernick took a lot of heat as he took a knee for racial injustice. However, recent shooting incidents have prompted other prominent athletes of color, such as LA Coach Doc Rivers and NBA superstar LeBron James, to lead major organized sports disruptions in protest of insensitivity and institutional racism by police and politicians. They can’t accept being used to make fortunes for many, while not receiving the respect they deserve. The BLM movement has sparked College and Pro athletes to become much more civically engaged.
Trump used to brag about having “My Generals,” top military leaders (some retired) brought in to give him counsel and macho arm candy for his new Administration. Over time, they all left or were fired as they realized they’d been deceived as to their roles, in what they hoped would be honorable further service to the Country. It wasn’t. Many have subsequently spoken out publicly about their disgust with Trump and disappointment in the Administration. Recent polls show considerable swings of military support for Biden in this coming election.
The tragic Parkland campus shooting sparked a major burst of student activism, especially as relates to gun regulation. And we’re now seeing students at all levels realizing that they need to join us to address the many issues that will determine their futures and their quality of life. Education, economic opportunity, global warming and racial equity, to name a few. This youthful energy is encouraging, and some form of National Service could harness and focus this great potential.
Yes, the title tense is changed by design, as The R’s are last to the enlightenment for all the disappointing reasons we are bludgeoned with daily. It really boils down to fear of Trump, money, power and Party, and years of indoctrination that results in divisive, totally partisan behaviors. Until conscience finally reminded a growing number of R’s that they’re better than this, the GOP is better than this, and Our Country is damned sure better than this.
Noted Republican leaders such as Colin Powell, John Kasich, Mitt Romney, George Conway and others are showing the courage and character to honor their better selves and speak out against the Trump/McConnell cabal. Emerging groups such as The Lincoln Project, Republicans Against Trump, Republicans for Biden, many former “W” staffers, and others are voicing and acting on these changes of heart and mind.
You get my drift. I could go on, but I’ll let you fill in other blanks, like the evangelicals and other faux-Christians who’ve accepted Trump as their on-site savior. But, I digress. This election is not a forgone conclusion, Trump and his dwindling “base” are unpredictable at best, and lots can and will happen over the next two months. However, the above highlights many of the reasons why I’m encouraged and optimistic about our future. I have ultimate faith in our better-informed, chastened and newly incentivized Better Angels. “WE THE PEOPLE” have awakened. That’s exciting and transformational. Fasten your seatbelts and VOTE! We’ve got the work of responsible citizenship to do. I look forward to joining you.