From an alley in Georgetown, Colorado…A metaphor and a mystery…
Community and Government and Politics are stages.
How can we better prepare for our important roles?
I found this great stage door a few years back, as I was cutting through an old alleyway in Georgetown, Colorado. It’s been a great prompt and metaphor to spark my consideration of many issues of truth and fiction, and the interested and relevant players who command the stage…or should. The recent impeachment debates and current political campaigns are reminders of the fragility of our institutions, dysfunction of our governance, and our embarrassing lack of leadership in many areas of responsibility. While we’re wasting considerable time seeking the “They” to blame, we could be using that energy to shore up “WE THE PEOPLE” to reclaim this Country for the values of our Better Angels. These values share similarity over time, as attested by this 1935 reflection from Langston Hughes.
Considering Our Community Roles In 2020
Do a Family/Personal Civic Engagement Audit…What is your level of community involvement? As a volunteer, charitable donor, non-profit leader, political campaign supporter, etc? Could/should you be doing more?
Be Better Informed About Your Community Issues And Priorities…Current political campaigns should heighten your awareness of critical community issues. Note which ones resonate with you, educate yourself on the issues and determine how you might help. Most community groups are eager to welcome new hearts, minds and financial resources.
Support Your Public Schools…Whether or not you have kids in school, our public schools are critically important to the quality of life in our communities. See how you might assist your neighborhood schools as a reading assistant, tutor or donor to important projects. Make it a family affair where possible.
Support Your Favorite Political Campaigns…If we expect better, we’ve got to work for better, VOTE for better, then support better. We’ve got until November to prepare for better governance at all levels. Let’s make a commitment to our Friend In The Mirror to raise our game…in everyone’s best interest.
Consider Your Favorite Non-Profit and Faith-Based Opportunities…Local non-profit affiliations and faith-based groups will usually have a wide range of needs and opportunities for volunteer service. These programs will frequently have collaborative possibilities for productive community problem-solving. You may be the perfect catalyst to help them meet their goals.
Let Our Roles Model Laudable Community Values
The past several years have been typified by an increase in divisive, racist and bigoted behavior throughout the Country. We each have an opportunity to counter those behaviors with the values of our Better Angels…Generosity, Kindness, Inclusion, Civility and Love. This image by artist Glenn Ligon captures it perfectly.
From artist Glenn Ligon…New York
Our communities have many needs, and we each have gifts to share. Constructive civic engagement can be fun and personally rewarding when we thoughtfully consider our roles and join others in community service. We have many choices. Let’s choose to serve. We all win in the process.