“Who Ya Gonna Be When You Get To Be You?”
I love that song title. Provocative, but also a powerful conscience prompt and shoulder tap. We all know lots of folks with too much time on their hands. Perhaps that includes your Friend in the Mirror. Too much food and drink and screen time, not enough nourishment of mind, body and spirit. Perhaps aging feet, knees and shoulders preclude our earlier levels of physical activity. Golf, jogging and tennis are out. What do we do now? Creative expression can save your life. And you can start at any time.
Some know from the beginning. Artists like Shanny Lott, Bob “Daddy-O” Wade and Graydon Parrish, musicians Sara Hickman, Kenny Williams and Christine Albert, photographers Gray Hawn, Brenda Ladd and Jim Innes, and writers Steve Harrigan, Kip Stratton, Tom Zigal and Elizabeth Crook have thoughtfully studied, nurtured, realized and shared their unique talents their whole lives. Most of us, though, have unrealized gifts.
My Photo From The EAST Studio Tour…
We Are ALL Gifted…Revelations From Julia Cameron
Writer, Director, Artist and Teacher Julia Cameron believes we’re all gifted, but for many reasons most of us never realize our gifts. There are many blocks to creative expression, and Cameron developed a program, “The Artist’s Way,” to give us some tools to break down those barriers. My friend Jeanne Guy inspired me through leading “Artist’s Way” discussions at Austin’s Seton Cove. Some creative blocks include:
—We tried early on and failed…
—Our doubts and insecurities precluded our attempts to step out of our defensive/protective shells…
—Family, friends and teachers told us “you can’t sing, paint, play a tune, you’re not good, etc.” And we gave up…
—We never had family, mentors or teachers who encouraged our creative pursuits…
—Our mentality of extreme specialization makes us think we can’t be artists, poets, musicians, writers, etc. if we’ve taken other career paths…
—Etc., Etc…
Cameron is often asked, “How do you teach creativity?” She responds,” I can’t. I teach people to LET themselves be creative.” She further observes,” No matter what your age or life path, whether making “art” is your career or hobby or dream, it is not too late, too egotistical, too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity. I have come to believe that creativity is our true nature, that blocks are an unnatural thwarting of a process at once as normal and as miraculous as the blooming of a flower.”
Some Personal Reflections…Practicing The Preach…
Like most of you, my life has been a roller coaster. I’ve had a supportive family, known joy, thrilled at Mother Nature, and been inspired by wonderful art, music and theatre. I’ve also lost a child to cancer, lost a 28-yr. marriage, cared for my parents as they passed, and have had health and financial setbacks. In other words…LIFE. My departed friend and noted speaker Lewis Timberlake oft observed, ”Stress will kill you.” And it will, unless you give it a buffer. Creative expression has been mine.
My careers included banker, investment counselor, corporate executive and Governor’s Office staffer. I enjoyed professional success and made many lifelong friends through that experience. I’m grateful for those business successes. However, my LIFE has been enhanced and saved through creative expression. My driven A-type personality, and my failure to pay attention over many years caused me at various times to experience depression, high blood pressure, excess weight, sleeplessness and lack of mental crispness. Medical attention and a healthier lifestyle addressed the body, but it took creative expression to nurture the spirit and soul.
HowDeDoDis? Well, Since You Asked!…
—I’ve taken voice lessons and sung in choirs…
—I’ve taken expressive dance lessons to loosen me up…
—I’ve taken acting lessons to open me up…
—I’ve taken guitar lessons to expand upon high school/college cover band experience and improve my skills. This led to putting a band together and ultimately playing a few concerts and gigs. (See “Dan Bullock Music” on YouTube)
—I’ve taken photography classes to enhance my use of the camera…inside or out…
—The Art Princess, my world-class curator partner, has taught me how to more thoroughly engage and truly “see” visual art. I go on lots of solitary art treks to hone my skills…
—I’ve been paying closer attention to those who creatively present (entertainers, speakers, singers, poets, comedians, et.al) to see how their styles resonate with me. To let me experience role models for effective connection. My latest treat was a live presentation by poet David Whyte (YouTube)…
—Annette and I have developed some music and conversation salons using these experiences accumulated over the past many years.
—I still want to take keyboard lessons and write one or more books…
My photo from an Artpace San Antonio event…
So, What Can You Do Now?
—It’s never too late. You’re seldom too young or too old…
—Take some lessons, classes, workshops in areas of current or potential interest. Many organizations have well-established education programs, which can be tailored to your ability and interest.
— Set some personal goals, announce them to those close to you to promote accountability and make yourself stretch…Specifically, write a song/poem/short story, learn to dance, plan a house concert, present on some area of interest, light or serious…
—If you can’t do…volunteer to teach others…children, seniors, those with special needs, et.al…
—If you can’t do, be a patron to those who do, attend their presentations and gain some of the creative benefits from association.
NOTE: We still need to be as physically active as possible, doing whatever we can with whatever still works. Matthew McConaughey says, “Just Keep Livin,” most personal trainers say, ”Just Keep Moving.” I strongly advocate a healthy exercise regimen, and encourage us all to be civically engaged in pursuit of a more balanced life. However, this Mosey Commentary is about Creative Expression.
In the past, I had too much of a tendency to lack courage, be too cautious, overthink and over analyze new creative adventures. I personified the “anal” in analyze. I was the caricature of the old children’s saying, “ One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, three to get ready, three to get ready"…You get the point. GO FOR IT!
The benefits of practiced creative expression are unlimited. Better health, more energy, invigorated spirit, enhanced creative thinking skills, new friends, performance opportunities, considerable personal satisfaction. Many new opportunities to unleash your passion, apply creative solutions to business/personal challenges, and help in discerning the extraordinary from the ordinary. And the Grace gained from that occasional perfect storm of creative energies.
We’re living in highly stressful, dysfunctional times. Too many angry folks, tribalism and distrust of our institutions. Creative Expression can provide the nurturing distraction, healing balm, source of pride and new learned skill that softens, nourishes us and just makes us better people to be around. Yes, truth be told, the benefits to our Friend In The Mirror will positively radiate to the broader community. That’s my opinion, which I greatly respect. So, There! Go forth and be creative! Oh, and MOSEY!