A Well-informed Populace
Thriving democracies require a well-informed, civically engaged citizenry. And that requires a free press and conscientious journalism. I enjoyed seeing the recent movie, "The Post," and was reminded of the important pillar of a free press to responsible self-governance and a free society. In the Supreme Court freedom of the press ruling relative to the Pentagon Papers, judges opined that "the free press should serve the governed, not the governors." We each have a role in promoting and supporting a free press. To pay attention, be informed and act accordingly. Let's consider that role.
But First, The "State of the Union" Speech
Trump said some good words about bipartisanship, infrastructure, opportunity, etc. So, does that mean that he's now "presidential?" Has he "pivoted?" No, anyone can be taught to read a teleprompter. He read a pretty well-crafted speech for 80 mins. But we've had over two years to learn exactly who he is. His actions have spoken many more boorish, divisive and embarrassing words than his speechwriters could craft for one speech. So, let's not waste our time analyzing those few moments in front of the teleprompter. Let's focus on much more important and impactful words...Free Press...High Integrity Journalism.
Back to "The Post" History and Our Present Challenge
Thank goodness Steven Spielberg took the opportunity to rush the completion of this movie so he could slap us in the face with the similarity of circumstances. The Washington Post and New York Times were being threatened and challenged by the Nixon White House and Justice Dept., just as Trump is attempting to do through his concentrated assault on the media and other investigative agencies. Trump has been documented as lying more than any other candidate in modern history, and certainly more than any President. However, his calculated "fake news" campaign, aggressively orchestrated by Trump, Kellyanne, Sanders and others undermines the public's confidence in all media organizations if left unchecked. Thankfully that's not happening. Tyrannical dictators move quickly to control and discredit the media so they can position themselves as the main information sources. But, we ain't having it. And, we've got choices to make, responsibilities to honor. For our children and our Country's sakes.
Artist Barbara Kruger floor tile from UCSD Student Center
The Media Cavalry Are Coming! I've Got That In Writing (And Speaking).
The media and journalists were thrown off their game by the seduction and shock of the 2016 campaigns. The chaos, confusion and circus that attended the campaigns, most dramatically with the Trump phenomenon. Fewer newspapers, dwindling budgets for journalists, and evolving competition from blogs and social media created an awkward time for aspiring, responsible journalists. But, Theyy'rre Baaack! And we're all the beneficiaries.
The Washington Post and New York Times are in strong hands and setting the pace with a significant commitment to their journalists. Other print media are rethinking their business models and adjusting to new platforms and customer demographics. The Texas Tribune is having great success with a non-profit model, concentrating on Texas governance and politics. Other traditional print publishers are expanding to electronic platforms and creating new networks to communicate more broadly. Outstanding journalists such as Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw are stepping up their games to inform and inspire us all after their substantial career achievements. They refuse to let their profession be marginalized by such as Trump. A brave new world for all of us.
In a great example of support of budding journalists, Austin's Headliners Club and its Headliners Foundation provide scholarships for aspiring journalists. What started as a modest effort with a limited scope has expanded to a substantial program working with many journalism departments in colleges and universities throughout the State. As a Headliners Board Member, I've had the opportunity to meet many of these scholarship recipients. Young men and women from all backgrounds. Most encouraging as to the future of high integrity journalism.
So, What Do We Do? A Mosey Close
We pledge to be well informed. We subscribe to and support a number of information and news sources. Print and/or electronic. Use your influence with family and friends to encourage all to be well-informed. Warn your friend in the mirror and others of the dangers of single-source news. See "The Post" if you haven't, and encourage your more conservative "fake news" critics to do the same.
Make sure our children and their educators have access to several information sources. Consider gifting subscriptions to key teachers and school libraries. Commend deserving journalists, write letters to the editor, support schools of journalism.
In closing, I love this admonition from the walls of the New York Library, "Think before speaking. Read before thinking." The better we're informed, the better we'll honor all our roles and responsibilities. In our homes, offices and in the community. We must not let the small-minded politicos and their handlers destroy our free press. We've got choices. Let's choose, and read, wisely. LET'S MOSEY!