A speaker once said that we sometimes "climb the ladder of success and find that it's up against the wrong wall." I contend that the ability for many to achieve their hopes and dreams has been compromised by our neglect of our education system and the resulting decline in economic opportunities. Worldwide, and here in the U.S. over several Washington administrations. And Texas represents a prime example of short-sighted political leaders who have neglected to fund and prioritize public education. The good news is that we can reverse those trends if we can summon the community pride and political will to raise the bar in our enlightened self-interest. At every level. A hard road, but I remain optimistic. Because we're better than this, and are coming to our senses as We The People. As is frequently the case, we'll hope that government will catch up from behind. Let's consider for a few moments.
The Symptoms
EDUCATION... Too many dumbed-down public school systems...Too many besieged public school teachers and administrators dealing with undisciplined students and lack of parental support...Too many high school graduates who are not college ready...fewer high-quality new teacher prospects...fewer vocationally trained students for rapidly changing job requirements...Too often inflated "gifted and talented" tracks...anachronistic textbooks and teaching methods...Too little civics, conflict resolution and creative thinking...Too much teaching to tests...Too many politicos have paid lip service, but not championed public education...Student loan entrapment...We educate the best and brightest from overseas, give them too few opportunities and they go back home to build up competitive foreign economies...Just a few examples...you've got your faves...
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY...Too many underemployed...Too many employees without benefits...The Catch-22 of good jobs sent overseas due to an insufficiently trained pipeline that didn't anticipate the dynamics of automation, robotics and rapidly changing technologies...Too much stress, too many suicides, family disruptions...Workers forced to work 2-3 jobs to barely get by...Too low minimum wages...Too few apprenticeships and internships...Poor opportunities leading to more profitable criminal activities...Community tax bases deteriorate when economic base declines...When vibrant businesses are replaced by nail salons and consignment stores...And we're not effectively assimilating well-trained returning veterans into our workforce...etc, etc...
Some Solutions...Turning Dreams Into Productive Reality...
Metal sculpture by friend and artist Shanny Lott...
When my staff would approach me with "problems," I responded that "we don't have problems. We have opportunities." Though occasionally we encountered some insurmountable "opportunities." In this case, we can make a difference, can positively address the challenges of education reform and related economic opportunity. Can help others realize their dreams. Encourage them to even dare to dream. If we have the commitment, patience and political will. Let's consider how we can be proactive.
EDUCATION...Research the rankings of your neighborhood and community schools at all levels...Get to know teachers, principals, School Board members and higher education representatives so you can become better informed...Ask them their biggest challenges...Consider volunteering at your level of interest...Read and do personal research to familiarize yourself with educational issues so you can be an effective advocate...Become acquainted with your legislative reps and their aides so you can converse knowledgeably about education issues... Let them know that these are important issues to you and the community...Inquire as to their specific initiatives to support public education, and what are the accountability measures to complement those initiatives? Consider joining in underwriting leadership workshops for principals and teachers...Encourage post-secondary school/business partnerships to focus on workforce opportunities...Make sure our schools are effectively preparing graduates for productive employment and constructive civic engagement...make sure ALL children get educational opportunities...
Mosey Education Action Steps
--Be Informed...Be an education advocate at every level...Connect with education leaders...Be a Mentor or Reading Tutor...Volunteer at your neighborhood schools, whether you have kids or not...Contribute to their libraries...
--Join and support educational advocacy groups. Austin examples would be Breakthrough Austin, Communities In Schools, UT's Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, E3 Alliance, and Austin Partners In Education.
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY...Be informed about the economic vitality of your community...Know the strengths and weaknesses of your economic base...Know about your major employers and their roles in community...Do they provide apprenticeships and internships?.. Is the community's diversity represented in the workforce?..What is the relationship of business to schools at every level?...How can the school-to-work pipeline be strengthened?...Support local businesses where possible, but work with them in developing a win/win relationship...Work with your Chambers of Commerce and economic development programs to promote your economy...Determine if your financial institutions are being proactive in economic development...How does government support the local economy?..How effective are tax incentives for business recruitment?.. Are there productive private/public partnerships?...ETC...
Mosey Economic Opportunity Action Steps
--Consider how you and your family are impacted by the local economy and how your role could be more influential...
--Support your local Chambers of Commerce and other business advocacy groups like the Texas Business Alliance...Keep informed about business issues through resources such as the Austin American Statesman and the Austin Business Journal...
--Work with your government officials at every level to promote a healthy economy.
The Mosey Close
Lack of education and economic opportunity are the prime catalysts for a number of societal dysfunctions. Worldwide. Think about it. Mass immigration, family disruption, crime, stress, suicide, divorce, family violence, addictions, psychological instability, obesity and the community paranoias that lead to fear of others and desire for guns. Think about it.
However, it is within our power to slap our communal faces, regroup our Better Angels, regain our senses, open our eyes, hearts and minds and collaborate with many like-minded individuals and organizations who know we can be/do better. There are already many model programs that are doing just that. It starts with our friend in the mirror. We've got work to do, but considerable creative thinking and untapped resources to apply to the task. I'm disappointed, but still optimistic. And motivated. LET'S MOSEY!