The issues of the day seem overwhelming. But if we slow down, pay attention and seek to be informed, Mosey style, we can glean down to high priority in a hurry. The answers are Public Education and Economic Opportunity. And the latter is dependent on the former. This latest Mosey commentary highlights four model programs that are setting the bar for effective community impact. They benefit children, teachers, parents, administrators and ultimately the communities they serve. They are bright lights of positive in a world of too much negative. They're making a difference. Read on and you'll be encouraged. LET'S MOSEY!
It should come as no surprise that this country's character is being tested. We had it pretty good for quite awhile, then we let down our guard and lost touch with our most important national resource--our fellow citizens. Our cumulative frustrations resulted in the angry politics and dysfunctional government of our current moment. But I'm an optimist, believe we're eminently capable of learning from our mistakes, summoning our Better Angels and moving ahead. Here are some Mosey lessons from one of my cowboy heroes.
Read moreMOSEY REFLECTIONS On...Promises, Politics and PEOPLE
It's too easy to relegate the PEOPLE consideration when we're dealing with political rhetoric. Too many politicos at the State and Federal levels pay lip service to the public interest while budgeting and legislating the opposite. This Mosey Commentary focus is accessible and affordable healthcare. Join me to see how you might elevate your role relative to this important issue for you and your family. I'm including personal comments from my own family experience. If these observations resonate, share them with your network. Thanks. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreE Squared...How Education and Economic Opportunity Make The Success Ladder More Accessible
My photo from the Santa Fe Square....
I wasn't good at math, but I understand E Squared--Education and Economic Opportunity. Their powerful interdependence and our neglect of both. So that much collateral damage is suffered domestically and around the world. Mass immigration, cultural, societal and governmental dysfunction can all be attributed to inadequate education and economic opportunity. Our neglect can be converted to stewardship if we rally our friend in the mirror, expect better of government, and rise to our collective occasions. I'm disappointed, but optimistic. And motivated. Read on. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreOK! So We Caught The Bus. Now, What Do We Do?
The worldwide marches of last month showcased some tremendous untapped civic energy that begs to be constructively channelled. This potential requires that concerned citizens of all ideologies and backgrounds join together collaboratively in constructive community building efforts. A diversity of leaders and activist groups are posturing to play influential roles. We need to carefully choose priority issues that speak to our Better Angels. And then pledge to ourselves that we're going to make a difference. Our communities need us, and we need each other. LET'S MOSEY!
Read moreWe Lost Touch With Our Better Selves. But, America's Coming Back!
Wow! What an amazing few weeks. The culmination of an angry, high-volume campaign brought no rest to the politically weary. A depressing inaugural speech was the perfect preface to a worldwide backlash against real and perceived threats to our democracy. Women-led marches emphasized a "Women's Rights are Human Rights" theme. I would suggest that these events represent an awakening of the Sleeping Giant of citizenship and civic engagement. The first two weeks of this Presidency demonstrate that Trump and Co. are predictably not yet ready for political prime time. There is no 100 Day honeymoon. Unprecedented numbers of citizens are rising to the occasion. That's encouraging. This commentary may prove helpful. Let's Mosey!
Read moreDemocracy's Messy. Campaigning's Easier. Governing's Hard.
This Country is in a state of heightened anxiety as we anticipate the transfer of governance in Washington. We endured a traumatic campaign season, and most of our fellow citizens, regardless of political ideology, are anxious as we experience the potential for unprecedented change. I suggest that we focus our concerns and energies locally, where we can and should make a measurable difference. The more we strengthen our local communities the better those models can translate to State and Federal application. LET'S MOSEY!
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