So, Annette and I were visiting the University of California-San Diego campus, when we lucked into their Student Center. We ventured in for sugary sustenance, but were immediately impressed/surprised with their art collection. Most especially with the installation of artist Barbara Kruger’s floor tiles, which were strategically placed (floored) throughout the expansive room. Students, faculty and visitors had to engage them as they perambulated across the floor. Not so subtly placed, so that all encounters offered a learning opportunity. It worked for me, and I’ve posted each of these individually to complement occasional posts. However, the times seem to call for “the more, the un-merrier,” a sobering reality check as we emerge from our Covid coma, clean up the political mess on Aisle America, and realize that we’re all impacted by international politics and war. I’ll use several of these admonitions from more articulate sages to give us something to prompt thought and action. I’m glad we looked down. Join me to gain your own perspective.
From artist Barbara Kruger…UCSD Student Center
We are being overwhelmed with disinformation, misinformation and blatant lies. We must become better informed if we’re to thoughtfully respond. That means varying our sources of information, so that we can better expand our perspectives and appreciate the importance of context. Ignorance and willful ignorance leave too many folks vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. And they are among our family, friends and colleagues. Let’s make sure our Friends in the Mirror are better informed, thoughtful role models.
From artist Barbara Kruger…UCSD Student Center…
Putin quickly rises to the top, but a plethora of bad gals/guys and their behaviors give us many reasons, in Mosey parlance, to “Slow Down, Pay Attention, Be Informed, and Act Accordingly.” Trump, Abbott, Graham, McCarthy, McConnell, Greene, Boebert, DeSantis,…We could be here all day.** We might not be able to change them, but we can change the way we respond to them. And better communicate our expectations and values to/through those elected officials who represent us.
**Without meaning to slight anyone, I feel obligated to at least give special demagogue credit to this “gentleman.” This thoughtful window image seems appropriate in bestowing that recognition.
From a thoughtful observer of the human and political condition…
NOTE: I’m not suggesting how one should think. Just that we must be informed and THINK!
From artist Barbara Kruger…UCSD Student Center…
Putin and Trump…prime examples of acting before thinking. We The People can/must do better. It starts with our Friend In The Mirror.
TRUMP…an incompetent, narcissistic, soon-to-be convicted con man who did notable damage to our system of government.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN…A good man, an American patriot, a great family man, a flawed individual (as are we all) who cares about this Country. He is working to rebuild the Country post-Covid, leading the resurgence of NATO, and reconstructing the gutted shell of government he inherited, despite the petty, partisan lack of cooperation from the Republicans.
INFLATION…NOT CAUSED BY JOE BIDEN…increased prices of gas and consumer items caused by tremendous Covid disruption and dramatic recovery, subsequent supply line challenges, and a major war instigated by Putin.
JUDGE KITANJI BROWN JACKSON…A woman of superior accomplishment and character compared to most any of her critics. Let’s not forget how disrespectfully she was treated.
HUNTER BIDEN???…Don, Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Jared…Give me a break!
ZELENSKYY…An international hero and role model…The courageous opposite of our afore-mentioned demagogues.
WILL SMITH…Not so much…
OUR FRIEND IN THE MIRROR…We are blessed with the opportunity to choose better. Our children deserve it. Our communities deserve it. Our government deserves it. Let’s pledge to be informed, think and choose wisely. We’ve got many challenges, but are blessed with considerable resources. May the Gods of Our Understanding bless us all on our journey…TOGETHER!