We Can All Remember Some When, What and Where Music…and Some Whom…
Music truly is a universal language. Along with food, smiles, grandmothers and puppies. Music delights, inspires, nurtures, calms, aggravates, provokes and prompts a response. That response may be a tear, a smile, a finger snap or the urge to dance. And, whether or not we can carry a tune or tap in rhythm, most of us have enjoyed the music of our lives…for a lifetime.
However, Many of Us Have Become Disconnected With Some Favorite Songs
Those of us of certain generations may still have relics of past recording formats. Records, 8-tracks, cassettes, CD’s, etc. I’ve got some of each stored somewhere. And we all have too many of the extended play albums with 12-20 songs, when we really only liked 3. Thus, it’s been easy to relegate those albums to storage, because of the perceived inconvenience of gleaning for the treasures. Until recently. It’s now easy to bring our musical arc up to date. Our music that was important then, is readily accessible now.
It’s Time To Catch Up
Our kids are well ahead of us in their ability to retrieve their favorite music…past and present. However, I find that most folks over 60 have not caught up with technology, thus losing touch with important music that shaped and complemented their lives. As memories slip, so do song titles. And it’s only when we’re prompted by hearing the songs in realtime that we remember their importance. Unless we take advantage of the dynamic, evolving electronic platforms, we’ll miss out on easy opportunities to reclaim our favorite music.
How It Works For Me
iTunes and YouTube work for me, though there are now several platforms to help you retrieve music and videos as desired. Ask your kids or other known music aficionados to suggest other easy ways to build your personal music library. You’ll be amazed at how easily you can find your faves from any era, any genre…by the original artists whom you enjoyed at key times in your life.
I’ve basically built my music library through iTunes, an inexpensive way to buy the exact songs you want without having to buy the rest of the album. I group them according to themes, like— Rock, R&B, Country, Gospel, Classical, Jazz, etc. I’ve got over 400 songs in my comprehensive library.
I enjoy watching and sharing music videos through YouTube and Facebook. For Free. I can peruse different recordings by the same artists to pick arrangements that I particularly like. Some are live, while others are the original release. It won’t take you long to understand the process, and actually enjoy the search.
Music Salons—A Unique, Enjoyable Way To Share
My experience in teaching music appreciation classes reinforced my appreciation of the power of music in most lives. I’d heard so many testimonials about the impact of music, that I wanted to experiment in a more intimate setting. Annette and I designed some interactive music salons, where we would invite 10-20 guests, have them submit a “favorite song” selection. A little wine, sparkling water and light snacks, and we’re set for the music sharing.
Format…I’ve made a playlist of all guest selections in advance. I then DeeJay the event…playing each song, then inviting the guest to relate the importance of that music in his/her life. These are invariably wonderful revelations, no matter how well we think we know these guests. Responses include:
“I lost my virginity to this song.”
“I played this on my first road trip away from home.”
“I loved hearing my Dad/Mom sing this while tucking me in bed.”
“This was the favorite song of my brother who died unexpectedly.”
Etc., Etc… Lots of laughter, tears and OMG moments. A great opportunity to better know your friends and yourselves.
“Music is a Spiritual Chiropractor.”
“Healing Music Speaks To Words For Which We Have No Words.”
“Musical Sound Stirs The Soul At A Deeper Level.”
“Without Music, I Could Not Get Through.”…Shawn Colvin
“Boogie Chillun’”….Muddy Waters
“Rock & Roll Will Never Die.”…Neil Young
Stained Glass Panel in my Studio…by noted artist and friend Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend