Taking The Leap
Ten years ago. An amazing time of transition. I'd struggled long enough, and the Gods were aligning to give me a chance to extricate myself. But, I had choices to make. My student (me) was ready, so the professor appeared. And, I summoned my courage to take the leap.
"The Leap" by artist Edward Povey
A whirlwind of wonderful happened in the space of a few months. My ace Realtor son Clayton found me this unique hilltop retreat overlooking the Balcones Canyonlands Wilderness. I acquired this sculpture to represent the business guy taking off his shoes, symbolizing the cathartic leap I was taking in many areas of my life. I married an amazing woman (AKA The Art Princess), and we moved into The Squirrel Ranch. We commenced a ten-year adventure in this unique setting, and now will right-size into Annette's central Austin bungalow, perfectly remodeled for our next chapter. But let me digress and share some Squirrel Ranch highlights for you good FB friends who've been indulgent and supportive of our escapades.
"Squirrel Ranch Gothic" by photographer Ben Aqua
The Salvation of Place
I'd never fully appreciated the concept of "sense of place" until I experienced this hilltop refuge. I'd been in Austin for almost four decades at the time, had been dealing with intense personal challenges, and was feeling trapped and stifled under the canopy of Austin's beautiful oak trees. I needed to breathe...in many ways. I hearkened back to my West Texas upbringing and realized I wanted some open sky, soothing breezes and wide-open spaces. They all came together at The Squirrel Ranch. The Big Red Sun Design Studio created some amazing landscape features, including the unique perch for Annette in our "Squirrel Ranch Gothic" photo, before it was filled with succulents. We settled in to create a life for ourselves.
And The Name, You Ask?
Growing up in West Texas, I always fashioned myself with a big ranch in my future. I didn't want Mike and Cina and Phil and Lindy to have all the fun. But several financial setbacks precluded that dream, and I had to lower my sights. The Squirrel Ranch was perfect. And it came with its own herd of low-maintenance livestock. Lots of squirrels. I tried getting an agriculture exemption because of this "herd," but our guvmint wasn't buying it. So you honorable taxpayers are off the hook. I just named the place for my fantasy, and the rest is Squirrel Ranch history and myth.
Our Business/Calling Card...Now a Priceless Hairloom (Yes, Spellcheck..."Hairloom")
And, So It Goes
We've had a great run. The emotional roller-coaster of life. Laughter, tears, celebration, mourning, exhilaration, sadness. Lots of family, friends, art and music. But the predictable constant has been our real experience of sense of place. Our ability to sit on our deck and retreat from any challenges. Or reflect on achievements. To enjoy this breathtaking view, and be grateful. NOTE: Dave Grusin's "Mountain Dance" has just come up on my music rotation. My theme song for the nurturing delight of our outdoor vistas. Another uncoincidental coincidence.
My wonderful partner has been concerned as to whether I can leave this. The answer is an unequivocal "Yes." I swept her away from her place to join me in this adventure. And it's been a great ten years. But it has served its purpose. Perfectly. And now it's time to start an exciting new chapter together. Sure, I'll remember and miss it occasionally. But The Squirrel Ranch will remain in my heart, mind and spirit. I've learned a lot from this place and from my amazing partner. And, I've re-discovered me. I leave with a heightened sense of place, and a commitment to be a better steward of our constantly threatened natural resources. LET'S MOSEY...TOGETHER!
Balcones Canyonlands Wilderness from our Squirrel Ranch deck