This favorite photo from Santa Fe is a reminder of the clear air and sky of the Southwest. And a reminder that we're stewards of clean air and water and much else. Many politicos are quick to denounce regulatory policies, want to cut them and cut taxes in their quest for "limited government." Let's discuss the issue calmly off the campaign trail. Read On and let's Mosey around the issue. Thanks for joining me.
Read moreOn Conversation, Community and The Platinum Rule
The Mosey Principles of "Slow Down, Pay Attention and Be Informed" lead to and depend on constructive, civil conversation. Not the "talking at" and 'talking through" that typify too much of our public discourse. And, too often is modeled at home. Our dependence on our devices is greatly impacting our interpersonal skills, especially with our young people. The Mosey Project seeks to encourage a better informed, civically-engaged populace. Constructive conversation is a key to that success. Read on and join the conversation.
Read moreCourage, Conscience & Commitment...We Need 'Em Now!
Our State and Country are in need of some TLC. And some strategic kicks in the butt. The challenges can seem overwhelming, but the remedies are usually not rocket science. They most frequently require courage, conscience and commitment. Let's look at a proven role model so that we might inspire that friend in the mirror to be a better one.
Read moreThe UT Tragedy...A Sobering Reminder of A Societal Challenge
We can't perfectly insulate ourselves from the negative elements of society. So it's in our enlightened self interest to support the public schools, local and state agencies and non-profit organizations that can moderate the extremes. That can represent our better angels with compassion and collaboration as we deal with the constant challenges of constructive community building.
Read moreOK, Bullock! How Do We Mosey?
Well, thanks! I'm glad you asked. As I mentioned in earlier intros, the "Mosey" premise is that if we'll "Slow Down, Pay Attention & Be Informed," we'll make a more effective difference in any aspect of our lives. I'm using the metaphor of the cowboy's mosey as a reminder that we've got to slow down, lift our heads from our devices and pay attention to the world around us. In our homes, offices and in our communities. I'm interested in accountability and civic engagement.
Read moreWelcome to my “Mosey Project” website!
I’ve enjoyed personal and social media discussions with many of you and decided I ought to formalize some of my options. I’ll still use Facebook, Twitter and email for various e-frivolity opportunities and photo presentations. But I want to be better able to focus on the issues of the day and tap your wisdom and observations. A separate blog site seems the answer.
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