Dan Bullock's Mosey Project

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My photo of my Texas Good Luck Shaman...

Our 100 Days Learning Curve

But, what have we learned?

--That governance is harder than campaigning

--That constructive civic engagement is more than marching

--That a partisan majority means little "if ya got no game"

--That the Awakening Sleeping Giant of citizenship, legislative conscience, judicial          integrity and responsible journalism just might turn this ship around...

The Mosey Approach of Slowing Down, Paying Attention and Being Informed...Let's Reflect...

How we got here...

We need to step back briefly to see how we got to the first 100 Days of this Administration. If you recall, we had eight years of the Obama Administration, complemented by an obstructionist Republican opposition that pledged at his inauguration to be uncooperative and make him a one-term President. And the GOP did a pretty good job of honoring that pledge. They provided no help with any major issues, including the Affordable Care Act, immigration, infrastructure and diplomatic/military challenges in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria. Remember this as we fast forward to realtime today.

Obama won a second term because the GOP was already fragmenting away from any cohesive campaign. Obama was/is a good man, but as in the James Taylor song, "...not enough tough for this town." He was not politically astute, and the R's never lifted their foot from his neck. History may judge him as one of our better Presidents, as he accomplished much without bipartisan support. He had one of the finest families to ever grace the White House, but he never could rally the support to effectively counter his cowardly opposition.

The Campaign/Election Puzzle and Surprise...

Many R's thought that their stalemating of Obama would make them "conquering heroes," just like Cheney's pipedream for Iraq. Au contraire. Their lack of any Congressional leadership added to the festering voter nightmare that gave them the Trumpenstein. And few pundits, pollsters and Washington pros saw that coming. They missed or dismissed the trends in the economy, education, immigration, diversity, social justice, healthcare costs and accessibility, crumbling infrastructure, etc. that went begging due to lack of responsive leadership.

Voters were disgusted with the BIPARTISAN Congress, both major political Parties and any of their candidates. They were desperate for CHANGE. Few voted for Trump the man, a total political novice. They voted for him as change agent. Trump's counsel such as Bannon, Conway, Christie and Giuliani accurately tapped into the anger of the populace and got their number. They out-Roved Rove. And won.

But The Gamble Has Backfired So Far... At Least These First 100 Days...

Trump's Performance should have been predictable from the 18 months of the campaign. He ends the first 100 days as the most unpopular new President in modern history, and the most unproductive. Neither he nor his team understand governance. And while he pledged to dismantle the bureaucracy, he's incapable to date of grasping the variables. He proudly boasts of signing the Executive Orders to do stuff, but his team hasn't staffed the agencies with even the minimal number of experienced bureaucrats to get stuff done. Ooops!

Trump's behavior and performance are unsurprising. The real train wreck here is with the Republican Party. They had 7 plus years to prepare a leadership template to implement when they won. Programs, policy proposals, Party leaders and Congressional reps to realize their political dreams. McConnell, Ryan, Cornyn, et. al, were merciless in their criticism and scapegoating of Obama and Hillary, and incessantly blustered about how much better the R's would lead. Then they caught the bus...and NOTHING. Not even a semblance of leadership. 

There are no Washington closets large enough to hold so many emperor's clothes. And, though they're still trying to blame Obama for all their failings, even their "base" knows better. Even Trump is disgusted with the lack of competent support to help him accomplish anything. In all fairness, I've got to say that there aren't many Beltway Democrats who are effectively stepping into the breach. We should all hope for some serious bipartisan soul-searching to enable a righting of the Ship of State.

Some Mosey Moment Tidbits...

In the Mosey spirit, strive to be informed. Access a number of information sources to broaden your perspectives. DON'T just believe me or any other singular source. As Dennis Miller posits, "This is just my opinion. I could be wrong."

On Ryan/Trumpcare...

 If we repeal/replace Obamacare, can we have good coverage for pre-existing conditions, maternity benefits and senior drug coverage while having a decline in premiums, given "choice" in the open marketplace?...NO!

On Immigration and Building the Wall...

 We certainly need to tighten our immigration policies and procedures. But, will we build a solid wall across the Southern border of the USA ? ...NO!


His base is dwindling. It always was a loud minority of a minority. But now more are becoming disenchanted as they see their hopeful campaign promises turn into mainly inconsequential Executive Orders. As one pundit noted, the Executive Orders are "activity, not action."

Are There any Competent Trump Team Members?

While the arts, education, environment, healthcare and many human services suffer, our military and security challenges appear in good hands. These men are experienced, worldly and somewhat measured in their approach. A good governor on Trump's hair-trigger need to shoot from the hip and lip.

What's Happened To Kellyanne?

Sources tell me she's been locked in the basement with Stedman. 

Should We Be Hopeful? Absolutely...

The Sleeping Giant of civic engagement, corporate social responsibility, judicial integrity, responsible journalism and right-minded public service is awakening.  It starts with our Friend in the Mirror, is manifest with our personal community efforts, and our commitment to work better with our elected officials in an intensified quest for mutual accountability. We'll know it when we see, hear and experience it. Of course we can make a difference, and we'll all win in the process. LET'S MOSEY!