My Dad Was Right...Choices Have Consequences...Let's Choose Wisely!
There's just too much noise! Angry political rhetoric. Social media barrage. Entertainment cacophony. 24-Hour "News." Threatening international posturing. Amplified through technology. We can't escape. Can't opt out. Nor should we try. It's tempting to want to hide, to ignore, to pretend. Just like this great Steven Bennett bronze from the Aspen Mall. But we don't have enough hands to cover our eyes, ears, mouth, hearts and minds. So, let's man/woman-up, get a grip, and choose to work with each other to make a positive difference. For our children. For our communities. For our Country. We know better. Let's choose better. Our choices can have positive consequences. Let's make our choices matter.
On Minnesota Fats and Mitch McConnell
Minnesota Fats was a great pool player. He was a master of strategy. Calling his shots, intimidating his opponents with calm, sure skill and gamesmanship. He backed up his public declaration with years of practice and confidence. Knowing that all would immediately know if he could or couldn't back up his banter with follow through. He won much more than he lost. Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason studied his style for the filming of "The Hustler."
Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, called a major shot publicly...and lost. With negative repercussions for Congress, the Republican Party and the entire Country. He had the audacity of dope to take the opportunity of Obama's initial inauguration to announce that he and his Republican congressional colleagues would not cooperate with any Obama initiatives and would make him a one-term President. The R's drank the kool-aid, spoke from the same script, attempted to stalemate Obama....and lost. The President used Executive Orders to sidestep the recalcitrants, muscled through the Affordable Healthcare Act, wound up with a business and jobs recovery, stock market records, record-setting auto industry performance and a higher popularity rate than Congress, the Republican Party or Mitch McConnell. Oh, and did I mention that Obama won a second term.....
But McConnell's choices did reap one notable reward. Donald Trump. Yes, McConnell's "leadership" choices meant that those within his own Party rebelled against the lack of responsible governance, joined with the Tea Party and set out to oppose the Washington status quo insiders. Including members of their own Party, such as Jeb Bush, John Boehner, Kasich, Graham and others. The vacuum of Republican dysfunction and inertia opened the door for Trump. At first just a loud clown that the R's not so secretly applauded as he denounced Hillary and Obama. Now, the uncontrolled Frankenstein that is tapping into rightful and righteous anger over irresponsible governance is destroying and embarrassing the Party and jeopardizing our Country. Choices have consequences. And the choice not to act is a choice. And has consequences.
Rising Above the Noise...Making Better Choices Together...
A lot of the noise of the past many months has been from small-minded political hacks, small-world media pundits and political spinmeisters. But also a highly vocal number of angry, disenfranchised, rightfully scared ordinary citizens. They feel betrayed, forgotten and booted off the escalator of the American Dream. Through no fault of their own. Except, perhaps, for too much faith in their own bi-partisan government.
Most thinking citizens can see and feel we're at a crossroads. The political campaigns have brought out the worst in us. But, most of us know better. We know that we've been complicit, by fault or default. Like the simmering frog. Most of us need a nudge from time to time. Now is that time. I use my photo library to complement my mood or need in many circumstances. I immediately thought of the funny chimps to start this piece. But, I'm frequently drawn to this classic from my walk through Arlington Cemetery when I need grounding and inspiration. From JFK's gravesite.
We should elect and appoint the most competent, experienced and compassionate officials we can. But, make no mistake. The mess we're in is because "We, the People" let down our guard, got distracted by our devices, hoped that "they" were taking care of us. They weren't. My Dad was right. Choices have consequences. It's not too late to choose better.
We have unlimited opportunities to better serve our communities. No matter who we are. No matter our resources. We all have something to give. And there are non-profits, neighborhood schools, model and established programs of all sorts needing hearts, minds, dollars, rolled up sleeves, volunteer assistance and leadership. Your friend in the mirror may already be involved. If so, Thanks! You're appreciated. You're making a difference. But, don't just serve quietly. Encourage your family and friends to rise to the occasion. We need to tap the tremendous resources of a huge number of citizens who've never found their calling. Never had the opportunity to apply their passion to something beyond themselves. Those of us who volunteer know how powerful and rewarding that can be.
A Mosey Note
Over the past few months I've met with leaders from business, government, education, non-profits and the faith-based communities. I've sought their counsel on how we can best leverage the great diversity of resources to build community. To take established models and create new collaborations. To encourage our fellow citizens to slow down, pay attention and be informed. And to create successes that can be emulated and scaled anywhere. I love the energetic enthusiasm of the dynamic social entrepreneurs and motivated leaders I meet in this process. I look forward to sharing these ideas and highlighting successful programs over the next few months. In spite of media-enhanced cynicism and fear-mongering, there are still lots of good folks doing many good works.
Choices have consequences. Many are making good choices. Many more would if we give them a friendly, informative nudge. I truly do believe we're at a positive turning point in this great Country. Our communities are works in progress. Their progress only limited by our commitment, collaboration and creative thinking. Together, our choices make a difference. Let's choose wisely. LET'S MOSEY!