As July 4th nears, I always think of our beloved and departed Cong. J.J. “Jake” Pickle, a role model for responsible public service. We’re experiencing a leadership deficit at National and State levels as we deal with many governance challenges, the most impactful being the coronavirus. We’re realizing that we’re basically on our own, left without effective coordinating response at any level. So, We The People have got to step up our game, help each other and our communities. Come join me and be a Texas Star Role Model, making a positive difference in turning this Covid monster around. We need your help…
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The murder of George Floyd, and the resulting community protests around the Country, should be a catalyst for introspection and soul searching for each of us. It certainly is for me. I’m realizing that while I was well-meaning, I, like many Anglos, could have been much more proactive in my sensitivity to the discrimination and racism that my friends of color have lived with all their lives. With this commentary, I apologize.
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At first it seemed that our political chaos and dysfunctional government could be remedied through the ballot box. However, the coronavirus was the heavier shoe to fall, making evident that we have more challenges than just government can handle. We The People need to muster all the resources we can influence, in all walks of life, if we’re going to pull ourselves out of this multi-faceted mess. I’m proposing that we reset the American Dream through a National Renewal Summit. Come join me and see what you think. Thanks in advance for making the effort.
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April Fools is usually a time for fun and pranks and mischief. However, this year finds little to take lightly, as the coronavirus is impacting every aspect of our lives. Governments have let us down at every level, and our “leaders” and we find ourselves grossly uninformed and unable to respond responsibly. We’re trying desperately to catch up, while too many lives are being sacrificed for this negligence. Our healthcare workers are our frontline heroes, but our journalists are our critical connection to the facts and truth. Join me as I make the case for our being better informed, and modeling that for others, while we support the journalists that are key to a free and healthy democracy.
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The virus challenge is reminding us of the importance of responsive government…or the lack thereof. The timing of this challenge, while unfortunate anytime, should be a great catalyst to encourage our most thoughtful attention to the upcoming elections. We shouldn’t be electing rhetoric, partisan ideology or charismatic soundbites. We need to elect experienced candidates with the demonstrated ability to think, act, communicate and LEAD. Let’s honor our responsibility as We The People and choose wisely.
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If our communities and governance and politics are stages, then we all have roles to play. The recent impeachment debates and current political campaigns are reminders that there is considerable government and institutional dysfunction that must be reclaimed by WE THE PEOPLE. So it’s time to revisit our individual civic engagement roles, and determine how we can be most effective, not just busy. Join me as I suggest some considerations for doing just that. Our communities are as good as we choose to make them. Let’s choose our roles wisely.
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Wow! 2019. What a year. We’re incentivized to make 2020 much better, and we’ve got the votes and smarts and community resources to make it happen. May the Gods of Our Understanding inspire us on this important journey.
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