Let's Consider The Simmering Frog... And Our Friend In The Mirror...
Most of us are asking or at least wondering, "How did we get in this mess?" So much dysfunction. So much angry rhetoric. So much divisiveness. It didn't happen over night. It slowly snuck up on us. We snuck up on ourselves. Time to reset. To unravel this mess and reweave the fabric of community into a healthier blend of economic, cultural and social opportunity. Less spirit-sapping anger, more constructive and rewarding civic engagement. But, first things first. Let's see how we got in this mess so we can preclude another backslide. Let's consider the simmering frog.
The Lesson of The Simmering Frog
If you recall the story.....when you put a frog in a pan of slowly simmering water, it will stay there and be lulled to death as the water slowly warms. However, if you toss the frog in a pan of boiling water it will pop right out. Too many of us have been distracted by many influences that render us almost as helpless as the simmering frog. We fell asleep at the switch and weren't paying attention as our "We the people" government devolved into something we never envisioned. At all levels. And we must reclaim our better selves and resulting better governance if we're to get back on a healthy track of participatory government. One that serves our best interests. The interests of ALL of us.
My sister gave me this wonderful Walt Kelly "Pogo"print. It provides a constant conscience for my reflection. And it brings us around to our friend in the mirror. Like the simmering frog, we've been distracted from our better selves by a number of influences. We bury our heads in our devices, are bombarded by information overload and are lulled into a false sense of awareness by the scrolling newsfeed. Too many politicos tell us they've "got our backs" when they're really spending their time in the lobbyist's back pockets. We've lost faith in our institutions and political parties, but WE ARE THEY! We can regain a healthier balance if we'll pop out of this simmering pan and regain our common sense. And sense of community.
The Mosey Project reminds us to "Slow Down. Pay Attention. Be Informed. And Act Accordingly." It starts with me. My friend in the mirror. To see how I've been complicit in this mess. By fault or default. How I can do a personal audit of my role as parent, friend, neighbor, working colleague, community volunteer, voter, etc. To honestly reflect on how I might have let down my guard.
- How could I have been/can I be better informed?
- How could I have been/can I be more effectively involved?
- How could I have been/can I be the catalyst for better constructive conversations?
- How could I have been/can I be better connected to my elected officials?
- How could I have been/can I be more influential with family and friends?
- How could I have been/can I be a better role model for civility and kindness?
No Time Like The Present
The political campaigns are a dramatic and painful reminder of the many issues that have snuck up on us while we've been increasingly distracted. I'm a great procrastinator, but I don't have to wait until the election, until the New Year, until, until, until. You and I can start now in reviewing how we got here and how we can do better. We can choose our most important personal issues, our greatest concerns. Education, Healthcare, Environment, Social Justice, etc. And pledge to make a difference. We can collaborate with others and join established programs to maximize our effectiveness. We know we can. We have before. We'll all win in the process. Now, wouldn't that be nice? LET'S MOSEY!