Our Noisy Wakeup Call...Mosey Observations On Politics, Parties & Principles
Most of us dread that sound. The alarm clock that wakes us up to face reality. That takes us out of dreamland and propels us towards obligations and opportunities to make better decisions. If we will. Like Amarante in Redford's "The Milagro Beanfield War," let's gently slap some cold water on our faces and see how we might rise to the occasion. We've got several more weeks before we cast our votes in a most unpleasant election. We've got multiple choices: vote, don't vote, 3rd party? Let's think about it. Thanks for Moseying with me.
The John Boehner/Paul Ryan Dilemma
My father taught me to look for the good in people. And I do. I believe that most folks are well-meaning, have a sense of right and wrong (taught or learned), and want to do the right thing. And I believe we all have margins of integrity within which we operate. The "wiggle room" or fudge factor that is determined by our character, conscience, moral compass and ability to respond appropriately to external influences. Many choices can be easily made within the margins we accept/establish through life experience. But Love, Money and Politics can frequently challenge those boundaries. Test us and break the best of us. If we let them.
I believe John Boehner and Paul Ryan are good men. As are John Cornyn, Michael McCaul and many others in Republican leadership. John Boehner was pushed to his limits by Tea Party extremists, was reminded of honor and integrity by the Pope, knew better than to continue to compromise his personal principles and got out. Paul Ryan answered the call to fill the leadership gap, but is finding lose-lose options at every turn. His Party has chosen political expediency over principle, has allowed such as Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and the Rick Scotts of the Party to set the ideological and rhetorical tone. They expended their energies to demonize and stalemate Obama. Cornyn, McCaul and many others have been dragged down in the process. The result of their efforts: an angry base of Republicans who join most of the rest of us in being frustrated with an irresponsible Bi-Partisan Congress. And the poster boy for loud, angry dysfunction....Donald Trump. The Party's cavalier tolerance of bad behavior has enabled a Trump political Frankenstein to turn on them, destroying the Party and endangering the Country.
And Texas Is Among The Worst
As most of you know, I'm an Independent. I learned long ago that neither Party had a corner on the best candidates or admirable platforms. And we've all seen honorable platforms completely ignored by party candidates and operatives. I've worked for, raised money for and voted for both Parties. From grassroots to the Governor's mansion and the White House.
I'm a proud fifth-generation Texan. My ancestor Richard Bullock hosted Sam Houston in Austin's first hotel...the Bullock Hotel/Inn at what is now 6th & Congress. So I know a little bit about Texas government and politics. Our relatively young Texas political history has showcased some outstanding leaders and some not so. Unfortunately, our current Republican leadership have squandered an opportunity to honorably serve the best interests of this State. They've chosen to highlight hot button issues of their "base," such as gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, open carry, Planned Parenthood defunding and "rampant voter fraud" over the serious, high impact issues of public education, school finance, accessible healthcare, women's health and infrastructure. And our State is hurting because of it.
The good news is that the Federal courts have stepped in. And dare we hope the thinking, moderate majority of Texas Republicans will increasingly say "enough's enough" to this small-minded, embarrassing Party leader behavior and consider other options? But speaking of options, lets's calmly consider some of them. Mosey style.
Ryan's Dilemma, Third Parties & Pragmatic Politics
As I pen this, I'm well aware that much can and probably will happen politically over the next few weeks. But let me comment on what I know now. Paul Ryan stepped up to be a leader and was dealt a horrible hand. Trump did not/could not become more "presidential." He's becoming a pariah to an increasing number of potential voters inside and outside the party. And I'm reminded of too many of his "base' when I think of this floor piece from the UCSD Student Center by artist Barbara Kruger.
Now Ryan says that we should discount his candidate and vote for the Republican Party, because they're the "party of ideas" and are best positioned to address the issues of our Country. No, Paul, your colleague Mitch McConnell made an Obama inaugural declaration that the Party wouldn't cooperate with the President and did an excellent job of honoring that pledge. Thus, they failed to honor their commitment to serve their constituents, contributed to the stalemate in Congress, alienated their "base" and all the rest of us. To date, you've lost this cycle. Deal with it. Accept some humility and work with other good folks to rebuild the G.O.P.
Both major parties have embarrassed themselves and done a disservice to this Country by putting petty politics, reelection obsession and special interest allegiance ahead of public service. Voter disgust attests to this fact. A thoughtful, introspective process, now and post-election, should help us see what we've got to do to regain responsible, representative political parties.
HOWEVER, for the "Bernie or Bust," "Anyone but Hillary," or "I'm gonna just sit this one out" citizens, I feel your pain. Reflect on your emotional response to this heated campaign and debate your friend in the mirror before you lose/forfeit/waste your vote. And don't forget the many important down-ballot races that deserve our attention.
On Third Parties...I still believe in a strong two-party system, though our two dominant parties have done a lousy job of effectively serving their supporters or this Country. Other parties might indeed do positive service to the process of representative government. That said, if you really want to be a part of a Green or Libertarian or other party effort, work to build that party up to significance. Don't just pay lip service with a feel-good vote that accomplishes only that. Your third party vote, just like the other efforts above, might do more harm than good in this particular election. And yes, Mosey Friends, I don't like it either. But I still am grateful to live in this great Country where we can all act like this. LET'S MOSEY!