OK, Bullock! How Do We Mosey?
Well, thanks! I'm glad you asked. As I mentioned in earlier intros, the "Mosey" premise is that if we'll "Slow Down, Pay Attention & Be Informed," we'll make a more effective difference in any aspect of our lives. I'm using the metaphor of the cowboy's mosey as a reminder that we've got to slow down, lift our heads from our devices and pay attention to the world around us. In our homes, offices and in our communities. I'm interested in accountability and civic engagement.
Our State and Nation face many challenges. Most of our own making. By action or inaction. Many seem insurmountable, but most are not if we "slow down, pay attention, etc." You get my drift. And there are many good folks, thoughtful leaders and model programs who are working to make a difference. But they need our help to leverage significant impact. In coming weeks, I'll highlight various issues and invite your observations and suggestions as to how we should address them. I claim no expertise, but will share links with those better informed so that we will all have shared insights to inspire our debate and actions.
Let me highlight some issue areas to give you ideas for "Mosey" application.
We, the "Government of the People" have got to start acting like it. Supporting our elected officials to govern in our best interests. Addressing such as gerrymandered representative inequity, unfunded mandates, poor regulation. But, Dan, some politicos say we're "over-regulated." A Mosey response...ask the folks who survived the West, Texas chemical explosion. Ask those involved with the Texas Child Protective Services and Foster Care programs. Ask the folks from Flint, Mi. We're not over-regulated. We're poorly regulated. So, follow me here. If we slow down, pay attention and seek to be better informed, we can probably do better. Let's Mosey!
As a former senior executive involved in the business community for decades, I'm well aware of competitive pressures and the need to be profitable. However, we're counter productive when we sacrifice employees, families and communities to squeeze the last dollar of profit by cutting employment hours, refusing to pay benefits and exporting jobs offshore to pad the bottom line. We're in a major time of transition in this Country. We can continue on this path and slide further behind more enlightened and progressive countries. Or, we can get a grip and summon up our better American angels to get back on track. Fortunately, there are many companies that are seeking to do better. To honor their responsibility to their employees and their communities. We all need to support that progress. Together we can find a healthier balance. Let's Mosey!
Here's a combo loaded with opportunities. We'll address several over time. I'll welcome your suggestions from personal experience. On the health front, I've frequently been the poster boy for "before." Dealing with weight gain, sleep apnea, and too much stress. I enlisted nutritionists, personal trainers and physical therapists for the Dan Bullock Reclamation Project....a work in progress. On the home front, less screen time, more face time....with real faces. Making more time to be present for partners, friends, children and grandchildren. Making sure our conversations include the issues of the day. Civility and civics should begin at home. A challenge for each of us, but worth the effort. Let's Mosey!
This will be a major emphasis of The Mosey Project. There are unlimited opportunities. We've just got to make the effort. To seek to be informed. To seek forums and info sources to enlighten us as to the issues. To seek a diversity of perspectives. To select issues and programs that specifically resonate with us and get involved. To volunteer, make a commitment to make a difference and invite others to join. To strive for accountability in those areas we serve. To give of our time and financial resources as we're able. To Vote. To model servant leadership. Let's Mosey!
Thanks for your interest in The Mosey Project. We're in this together, and I look forward to working with you to build healthier communities at many levels. I'm well aware of my limitations relative to issues, so am consulting with government officials, corporate leaders, faith-based leaders, educators, non-profit leadership and other constructive activists who are toiling in these vineyards. I have no delusions of saving the world on my own, but will serve as a catalyst to bring those together who can influence progressive change. We all see the challenges. Let's be the change agents. Let's Mosey!